Habits are not just good or positive. In this article, I'll describe the 5 main reasons why the idolization of habits is problematic. Continue reading
Author: Louise
Slay Your Dragon: This Is How to Survive a Trial by Fire
Wondering how to slay your dragon? This simple, 4-step process will help you develop your strategy... so that you can emerge victorious!Continue reading
Business as a Force for Good: The Case of the Fairphone
The idea of business as a force for good may be gaining traction worldwide. But how does that look like in practice? Here's an inspirational example!Continue reading
Is Compassion for Others the Superpower of Influential People?
A series of losses has led me to reflect on the importance of having compassion for others (and oneself!). Here's what I learned from this challenging time.Continue reading
Unethical Marketing: Is This the Most Manipulative Version?
I’m so fed up with unethical marketing. A few days ago, I signed up for someone’s email list. This person has been sending me...Continue reading
The Last Jedi Can Teach You to Love Complexity
Many challenges we're dealing with can be attributed to the complexity of modern life. Here's how "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" can help you get more comfortable with it! Continue reading
Mattie Stepanek: Finding Inspiration in the Unlikeliest Places
A while ago, I accidentally discovered and found inspiration in the words of a beautiful soul, Mattie Stepanek. Here's how it happened...Continue reading