A few days ago, the lights went out around me. I wasn’t the only one affected. Around 100,000 homes and businesses were plunged into darkness. The power outage lasted for many hours. This is very unusual where Continue reading
Category: Good World
There Has (Probably) Never Been a Safer Time to Be a Woman
By making women more afraid than they need to be, people unintentionally limit women's freedom. Please don't be overly afraid. Continue reading
Britney Spears Is Becoming the Kurt Cobain / Greta of Millennials
As Millennials face the darkness (like Gen X) and become a rebel with a cause (like Gen Z), Britney Spears becomes their figurehead and cause. Continue reading
A Powerful Lesson About Equality From “Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World”
In "Sand Talk," Tyson Yunkaporta describes the "better than/less than"-fallacy. Find out why it's so toxic and what to replace it with. Continue reading
Lessons From “A Separate Peace”: Are You a Lighthouse or a Battleship?
John Knowles taught me that there are 2 types of people: lighthouses (who create a separate peace) and battleships. Which one are you? Continue reading
Kantian vs. Utilitarian Ethics: a Life Lesson from Dead Cicadas
Confused about different moral philosophies? Discover why Cicadas are Utilitarians and humans often Kantians!Continue reading
Jesus Has a PR Problem: “Christians”
When I met a CINO (Christian in Name Only), her unkind actions spoke so loud I couldn't hear her (supposedly Christian) words. Continue reading
3 Tips for More Inclusive Writing That Makes Your Readers Feel Welcome
If our writing isn't inclusive, we might lose readers. Here are 3 simple tips that can help you make your readers feel welcome!Continue reading
This Is “Rainbow,” the Most Anticipated Cup of Tea In My Life
I’ve been dreaming about this moment.And it has finally, finally, finally arrived. I have been waiting to finally wrap my hands...Continue reading
South Park is Right; the Vaccination Hunger Games Are Exhausting
This brings up many questions of fairness, belonging, and perceived worth as well as anxiety over the distribution of scarce resources that...Continue reading