Why should you listen to your soul?
If we think of our personality as a drop of water, then the soul is the entire ocean.
When we tune in with our soul, we are experiencing a broader and wider perspective. From the soul level, things can look very different from our everyday reality.
This different perspective is what makes our soul guidance so very valuable. In fact, I would say that it's what allows us to significantly uplevel our life.
At a certain developmental point, you can tell if you are living in alignment with your soul or not—if your life gets easier over time, you are.
Life getting easier is not to say that there won’t be any shake-ups. And perhaps “easier” isn’t even the best word to describe what a soul-led life looks like. Perhaps it’s more about being on path and in touch with our true self.
Being on path means knowing that the overall trajectory of your life is going into the direction your soul wants it to go into. It's about going with the flow, not against it.
Exploring the voice of your soul
Aligning yourself with your soul’s intent requires deep listening to your soul. In addition to helping you live a soul-led life, his will also increase your understanding of the journey that you are on and furthering your spiritual growth.
To practice this form of deep listening, you must forget all that you have learned about communication.
We are often taught to think of communication as a one-way street, like an arrow going from the speaker, to the listener:
Speaker ➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️ Listener
In truth, communication is all about clarity. It’s about being clear on what you want to say (if you are the speaker), and what the listener wants to hear.
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Why does the second part matter if you are talking to someone?
Because the desires of the listeners impact the extent to which they can hear what you are actually saying. Someone who wants to hear something specific (say, you telling them that “X is true”) will have a much harder time hearing your statement that “X is false.”
You have probably experienced this yourself. Maybe you have tried to give a nice compliment (“well done!”) to someone extremely self-conscious about their skills—only to realize that the other person couldn’t receive your compliment.
In that case, you were perfectly clear on what you wanted to say, but perhaps not so clear on what the listener wanted to hear.
Sometimes, there is a tendency to forget the role that the listener plays in clear communication.
This is even more true when communication with your soul is concerned. When it comes to this form of communication, your soul is generally the “speaker” and your personality (or ego, as it’s sometimes called) is the “listener.”
Let us do an exercise with this:

Creating space to listen to your soul
Imagine you are in a tower of light. This tower extends all the way into the heavens, allowing you clear communication with an aspect of yourself that is residing at a higher vantage point. Let’s call this aspect your soul.
Let’s imagine your soul has discovered the secret to happiness. It has entrusted you with this information, and asked you to pass it on to a person who’s standing at the base of this tower.
So, you walk down the steps, looking forward to passing on this useful knowledge.
In the first scenario, the person standing at the base is busy on their phone. They are preoccupied with something that is happening in the news, and only half-listening to the message you are giving.
How much benefit are they receiving from the message you are giving them? 70%? 50%? 20%? 0%?
In the second situation, the person is paying close attention to what you are saying. They are curious about your message, and open to hearing what you have to say.
How much benefit is this person getting from the information you are sharing with them? 70%? 80%? 90%? 100%?
When it comes to soul communication, you want to be the person in the second scenario.
Why you need to be receptive to hear your soul's guidance
Your soul might express itself to you very clearly (in fact, it always does) and yet, if you don’t want to hear what it has to say, you won’t… at least not without great resistance and pain.
(I’m speaking from personal experience here. Contact me for details. 😅)
If your ego doesn’t want to hear your soul’s guidance—whether your soul tells you to move, quit a job, get a job, get a divorce, or whatever else it is—you won’t hear it.
The soul is the quiet voice.
The personality, on the other hand, is often quite loud.
That’s why it’s extra-important to be attentive to what your soul is trying to tell you. More than anything else, this requires being in a receptive state (which is easiest to accomplish in a calm, quiet space).
Receptivity occurs when there’s no specific agenda, beyond just receiving the message.
In the exercise above, the person in the first scenario has an agenda—figuring out what’s going on in the news. This agenda prevents them from clearly receiving the message that is meant for them.
(Also, reading the news doesn’t tend to make one’s life better. But that’s a separate article.)
The person in the second scenario is open and has no specific agenda.
Meditation as a tool for listening to your soul
If you would like to be more open to those quiet whispers from your soul, meditation is a great way of getting there! For instance, here is a mini-meditation:
If you like, here’s a practice for you to try with this mini-meditation:
Find a quiet, safe space where you won’t be disturbed. Then, listen to this 5-minute meditation, set an intention to connect with your soul, and sit for a few minutes in silence. Afterward, you might like to take a few moments to jot down any thoughts that are coming up for you.
While you can do this practice anytime, it might be particularly effective right after waking up, or just before going to bed. And, the more you connect with your soul, the clearer your soul’s guidance might get.
What are the quiet whispers of your soul?
Like the journey of your soul, this exploration will continue. 🙂
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