After pummeling through almost 80 old blog posts in a day, I saw my writing life flash before my eyes. Here are 5 blogging lessons I learned. Continue reading
Category: Good Business
3 Lessons Creators Can Learn From Being Consumers
Creation and consumption are two sides of the same coin. If you want to be a better creator, become a better consumer. Here's how this works. Continue reading
The Effective Hourly Rate: How Much Do You Actually Make Per Hour?
If you don't know your effective hourly rate, you might set your prices too low. Here's how to calculate it and use it to make decisions. Continue reading
The Relativity of Money Theory: Are You Earning “Enlivening” Money?
Not all money is created equal. Discover if you're earning "enlivening" money... and what you should do if you're not. Continue reading
The 5 Most Productive Things to Do When You’re Too Tired To Work
When you're too tired to work, check out these 5 productive things you can do right now with your current level of energy. Continue reading
Relational vs. Transactional: Which Type of Customer Is Better?
There's a huge difference between relational and transactional customers. Discover what that is and how this distinction can help you!Continue reading
Positive Procrastination Is the Secret Sauce to Make You More Productive
Procrastination can be a good thing, if you do it right. Discover the 5 benefits of positive procrastination and how to unlock its benefits! Continue reading
As Writers, We’re Kind of Predatory Towards People and the Moment
Writers tend to be "predatory" towards life, using everything for inspiration. Here's how to be mindfully inspired instead of exploitative. Continue reading
Why Does Most Entrepreneurial Advice Come From Privileged White American Businessmen?
We don’t receive entrepreneurial advice from a diverse group but from people like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg. Here's why that's unhelpful.Continue reading
The 3 Weirdest Ways Famous Authors Have Beat Writing Procrastination
3 bizarre ways to overcome writing procrastination (#3 Herman Melville’s “Fifty Shades of Grey Desk Method”) and saner things you can try. Continue reading