Wondering how to cope with life? Here are 3 reasons why life requires super-human strength... and why you have what it takes to deal with it!Continue reading
How to Not Lose Focus: This Mistake Cost Me 10 Days of Productivity
One decision cost me 10 productive days. If you want to know how to not lose focus, learn from my mistake and find out what to do instead!Continue reading
7 Powerful Ways to Understanding Other Cultures Better
Here's what I have learned about understanding other cultures after having lived in 7 different countries by myself from the age of 15 on. Continue reading
This Is How to Quit Facebook Without Quitting Facebook
Would you like to leave Facebook but can't because you still need it for something? Here's how to quit Facebook without quitting Facebook.Continue reading
How to Overcome Analysis Paralysis: These 6 Questions Will Help You
Are you wondering how to overcome analysis paralysis? Here are 6 simple questions that can help you move from being stuck into taking action!Continue reading
How to Make Time for Everything With This Simple Change
Are you wondering how to make time for everything? Discover the one simple change that can help you get there!Continue reading
How to Find Your Superpower and Stop It From Ruining Your Life
Good news: you have a superpower! Bad news: it comes with a great challenge. Find out how to keep your superpower from destroying your life!Continue reading
How to Quickly Plan Your Day for Maximum Productivity
This quick process that will help you plan your day for maximum productivity. Find out why you need to trick your brain and what Latin has to do with it. Continue reading
Memento Mori: What Death Is Teaching Me at the End of a Decade
I spent yesterday in a daze, randomly bursting into tears from time to time. It was a heartbreaking, rude reminder of memento mori (Latin: "remember...Continue reading
We’re All Addicted to Bad News. Here’s How to Stop.
In this ridiculously long blog post, I share what I learned over half a decade about how to stop reading the news. Continue reading