As a child, I once fell down on an iron railing I had been balancing on. When my ribs connected with the iron railing, the air was crushed out of...Continue reading
How to Live a Life With Little Regret
Let's talk about regret! I realized that my outlook on life was unusual when I got interviewed a couple of years ago. Now, in case you don’t know …Continue reading
Dear America, Here’s What This Alien Wants You to Know
In 2016, I suddenly found myself in the midst of a civil war. This was surprising to me. After all, I hadn’t time-traveled to the Earth’s past. All I had done was move to the United States from my native habitat.Continue reading
I Found My Core Message With This Brilliant Question
How do you narrow all your complexity down to a single core message? This brilliant, simple question finally helped me figure it out!Continue reading
A Legal Analysis of the Statement That “Blue Lives Matter”
From a human rights perspective, there are important differences between "Black Lives Matter" and "Blue Lives Matter." A lawyer (yours truly!) explains them in 2 minutes.Continue reading
Be More Productive with the Power of Playfulness
Find out how what we can learn from research and top athletes about the "goldilock's zone of pressure"... and how playfulness can make you more productive. Continue reading
Effective Altruism: How Small Donations Can Change Someone’s Life
Want to do some good in the world by donating money to a cause? Your donations might be unhelpful— here’s what you need to consider.Continue reading
Black Lives Matter: This Is About Human Rights, Not Politics
There is nothing that should be controversial about a statement such as “Black Lives Matter.” Here's a summary of the human rights situation in 6 sentences. Continue reading
You Don’t Need to Be Productive Right Now
Are you struggling to remain productive while things are falling apart around you? Here's some counter-cultural productivity advice for unprecedented times.Continue reading
Why You Need to Share Your Talents as Soon as You Can
Are you scared to share your talents? Here's a life lesson I learned that can give you the courage to start sharing your gifts right now.Continue reading