I’ve been dreaming about this moment.And it has finally, finally, finally arrived. I have been waiting to finally wrap my hands...Continue reading
Author: Louise
Do It Imperfectly (But Do It)
Are you held back by wanting to do something perfectly? If so, let me share a story with you that might inspire you to do it imperfectly!Continue reading
That Change You Fear Might Be Your Hero’s Journey
The main criteria for a hero’s journey is that the impending change freaks you out. When you hear the call, you have two options... Continue reading
South Park is Right; the Vaccination Hunger Games Are Exhausting
This brings up many questions of fairness, belonging, and perceived worth as well as anxiety over the distribution of scarce resources that...Continue reading
How to Get Back Into Writing When You’ve Fallen off the Wagon
Do you want to get back into writing? Here are 10 tips that helped me start writing again after a break. You can start today! Continue reading
Still “America First”? The US (So Far) Refuses to Share Millions of Unused Vaccines
While the US hoards vaccines, 100 countries worldwide haven't yet vaccinated a single person. Here's why vaccine hoarding is so problematic.Continue reading
Impossible Goals in Life: What if “It” Is Possible for You?
Do you have seemingly impossible life goals? Here's how to tell if they are achievable and how to keep up your spirits while pursuing them.Continue reading
You’re (Probably) Not Thinking Small Enough
We’re often told we need to think big. What our culture’s obsession with size forgets is that small can be extremely powerful. Here's how. Continue reading
Meditation for Boosting Energy: Renew Your Energy Now!
Are you burning the candle on both ends? This guided meditation can help you increase your energy by tapping into a different energy source. Continue reading
How BBC’s Merlin Taught Me About Purpose and Love
BBC's Merlin contains lessons that are still relevant today. One of the strongest is about the importance of purpose and love. Continue reading