When the attention economy battles for your attention, you're the one who suffers the most. Here's how to take back control in 5 steps.Continue reading
Author: Louise
The 3 Weirdest Ways Famous Authors Have Beat Writing Procrastination
3 bizarre ways to overcome writing procrastination (#3 Herman Melville’s “Fifty Shades of Grey Desk Method”) and saner things you can try. Continue reading
If You Suffer From “Never Finish Anything Syndrome,” Here’s Your 5-Step Prescription
Do you find yourself dabbling and never finishing things? If so, here's a fun quest for you. Unlock the magic of finishing in 5 steps!Continue reading
3 Science-Backed Benefits of Being Single: What Singles Do Better
Single life has plenty of unacknowledged advantages. Discover 3 amazing benefits of being single, backed by scientific research!Continue reading
How to Survive Success or Failure by Focusing on What You Can Control
It's been said that success destroys more people than failure. Here are 3 things that will help you thrive, both in success and in failure!Continue reading
Are You Getting Through or Breaking Through?
There are two crucial phases in life. To live a good life, we must act in accordance with which one we’re in. Here's how they differ: Continue reading
Find the Stillness Within, Like the Burning Monk Who Lived There
We all have an oasis inside, a fountain of strength. A place of peace and tranquility that we can access at all times. Here's how. Continue reading
The Martyr Archetype: How to Stop Sacrificing Too Much in Relationship
If you're sacrificing too much in relationship, it's time to stop being a martyr. Here are 4 steps that will help you take care of your needs!Continue reading
You Have a Choice, You’re Just Afraid to Make the Right One
The biggest lie we tell ourselves is that we have no choice. Here's how to stop bullsh*tting yourself so you can have the life you want.Continue reading
The Wanderer Archetype: To Strengthen Your Relationship, Strengthen Your Self
By strengthening my self, I can strengthen my relationship. That is the lesson of the Wanderer archetype. It is only by being... Continue reading