Flexpreneurship is when you're an entrepreneur, most of the time. Here's when it works to have a business and a boss.... and when it doesn't. Continue reading
Author: Louise
True Success Whispers to Your Soul, It Doesn’t Shout to Your Ego
True success looks different than we've been taught. Here are 3 lessons about success that I learned from a year-long magical ritual. Continue reading
5 Writing Lessons From Reviewing 5+ Years of Blogging
After pummeling through almost 80 old blog posts in a day, I saw my writing life flash before my eyes. Here are 5 blogging lessons I learned. Continue reading
3 Lessons Creators Can Learn From Being Consumers
Creation and consumption are two sides of the same coin. If you want to be a better creator, become a better consumer. Here's how this works. Continue reading
Britney Spears Is Becoming the Kurt Cobain / Greta of Millennials
As Millennials face the darkness (like Gen X) and become a rebel with a cause (like Gen Z), Britney Spears becomes their figurehead and cause. Continue reading
The Effective Hourly Rate: How Much Do You Actually Make Per Hour?
If you don't know your effective hourly rate, you might set your prices too low. Here's how to calculate it and use it to make decisions. Continue reading
You Don’t Need to Go to Bravery Boot Camp to Join the Dauntless Faction
What we can (and can't) learn about bravery from Dauntless, one of the 5 factions in Veronica Roth's Divergent series. Continue reading
A Powerful Lesson About Equality From “Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World”
In "Sand Talk," Tyson Yunkaporta describes the "better than/less than"-fallacy. Find out why it's so toxic and what to replace it with. Continue reading
Lessons From “A Separate Peace”: Are You a Lighthouse or a Battleship?
John Knowles taught me that there are 2 types of people: lighthouses (who create a separate peace) and battleships. Which one are you? Continue reading
The Relativity of Money Theory: Are You Earning “Enlivening” Money?
Not all money is created equal. Discover if you're earning "enlivening" money... and what you should do if you're not. Continue reading