During the first Trump presidency, I talked to a new coaching client. Let’s call him John (not his real name).
John was struggling to get things done at work. Uncompleted tasks had been piling up, and he felt more and more overwhelmed. To make things worse, all these undone tasks had him feeling down on himself… which created a downward spiral.
At some point during our initial consultation, I asked him if he could use kind and compassionate accountability.
He lit up.
John felt like he was drowning in a sea of tasks, and the mere idea of combining kindness and accountability felt like a lifeline to him.
You see, when we are in a challenging place — and the current collective situation IS very challenging — it’s easy to feel lost. Rudderless.
And even if your situation isn’t as hard as John’s was, a lot of people right now are experiencing a lack of clarity. A challenge to stay focused.
Try out the Soulful Productivity Club
How people typically deal with productivity challenges doesn’t work
Like most people, John had tried two ways to handle his productivity struggles:

- Approach 1: be soft on himself and do nothing (compassion without accountability), or
- Approach 2: be hard on himself and try to do everything (accountability without compassion).
It was obvious to John that the first approach wouldn’t work. By doing nothing, nothing would change. Things would just continue to deteriorate.
However, the past had taught John that the second approach didn’t work well, either. Whenever John had tried to charge full steam ahead, he eventually burned himself out.
Why did both approaches fail? Because both weren’t kind towards the self. When people push themselves too much or too little, they ultimately don’t take good care of themselves.
The better choice is kind and compassionate accountability (“Kindability”)
Instead of being too soft or too hard on oneself, it’s better to choose kindness. When you are kind towards yourself, you combine compassion and accountability.
This prevents you from going into extremes (too much/too little, too soft/too hard).

Once John focused on being kinder towards himself, things improved. Slowly, he started to do the things he needed to do. Then, he began doing the things he had been wanting to do. And now, we are working on the things he has been dreaming to do.
Over time, John managed to turn a downward spiral into an upward spiral. In the last few years, his life has radically changed, and he is now in a much better place.
That is the power of kind and compassionate accountability… or Kindability!
When I started as a habit coach, I noticed that kind accountability helped people thrive. For instance, here's what my client Camila wrote (back when I still went by “Bere”):

What if we took this a step further, and brought in the power of an online community?
I have had great experiences with this before.
In 2017, I guided a group of over 100 people through a 30-day decluttering process, using a private Facebook group (back when I still used Facebook…):

The results of this were amazing:
People not only posted pictures of all the items they had decided to donate, many also experienced other breakthroughs, such as the joy of unexpected, wonderful family interactions or the relief of letting go of bad relationships.
All of this happened within a mere month.
In 2019, I started offering monthly self-promotional challenges for coaches. Here are some of the results people reported from this:
"- I started my FB page,
- I gained 84 followers within the first two weeks (I know it's not a lot, but I am excited since some are not from my network),
- I got the motivation to write again - three articles in the works!
- I recorded my first video,
- I got to know you better and read loads of interesting content,
- I resuscitated my Twitter and Instagram I haven't used since 2015.""On Medium my post reach went up 177%, engagements 187% and new page likes 300% - all in a month!"
"...I had gotten out of the habit of being consistent in posting and sharing and it was showing in my engagement... This challenge reset and reboosted my focus."
Again, all of this happened within a mere month.
Now, the community I'm creating this time?
It will be ongoing. This means that you can continue to receive the support of a community for as long as you want. How motivating would it be for you to get ongoing accountability and support, all while being with like-minded people?
The Soulful Productivity Club
After years of being a productivity coach, it dawned on me that a lot of regular productivity advice is fairly toxic. For instance, it can help sustain the idea that our worth depends on our doing (our accomplishments and achievements) rather than on our being (we are worthy simply because we exist).
I believe that there must be a better solution than abandoning productivity advice altogether, or resorting to traditional productivity advice.
My intention for this community is to help you move from toxic productivity (or no productivity) to soulful productivity.
You will get accountability that is compassionate, caring, and kind… and that helps you improve your life — not just your productivity.

Toxic productivity is when you take action
- on the wrong thing,
- for the wrong reason, or
- in the wrong way.
Soulful productivity is when you do
- the right thing,
- for the right reason, and
- in the right way.
Toxic productivity takes energy. Soulful productivity gives you energy.
Are you ready to be productive in a way that feels good?
Try out the Soulful Productivity Club
The details
We will meet every first and third Tuesday of the month at 12:00pm Eastern (recordings will be available if you cannot make the call).
I'm offering this to founding members for $25/month. To get this great rate before prices increase, simply join by March 6 (my wedding anniversary! ❤️).
And the best thing? You can try before you join. 🙂 I have decided to make the first meeting complimentary. My gift to you! 🎁