A guided meditation for hope where we delve deeply into myth. After listening to this, you might never look at water, vultures, or Pandora's box the same way... Continue reading
Rhythm of Work: Successful People Know When to Push and Pause
Our collective rhythm of work is broken. Many successful people follow a distinctly different rhythm. Here's how you can do the same. Continue reading
Redefining Success: What Does True Abundance Look Like for You?
A study shows that most people disagree with the typical definition of success. Here's how you can redefine success to find true happiness. Continue reading
How to Find Self-Love: 3 Ways to Get You Started Now
How I accidentally found the key to experiencing deeper self-love and 3 simple things you can start doing now to feel more love for yourself. Continue reading
Is Marriage Outdated Now or Can It Be Redeemed?
Is marriage outdated? Let's explore the history of an unromantic and unequal institution... and what Marriage 2.0 looks like! Continue reading
You Owe It to the World to Become the Leader You Are
If you're a good person who wants to make a difference, you owe it to the world to become the leader you are. These 4 principles will help.Continue reading
Working Too Much Is Something You’ll Regret in the Future
We all have a choice: stop working too much... or learn how to deal with future regret. Here's what we can learn from Elon Musk and others. Continue reading
Being the Best Won’t Make You Happy or Loved (and What to Aim for Instead)
Many people who strive to be the best and make it to the top are less happy than you are. Here's why and what to focus on instead. Continue reading
How to Deal With Rejection, Even if It Hurts Like Hell
Are you wondering how to deal with rejection? In this article, you'll learn the science of why rejection hurts... and what to do about it! Continue reading
How to Stop Being Such a Damn Perfectionist
Want to turn somebody into a neurotic perfectionist? Have them follow the blueprint of my early adult life. Here's how I loosened up!Continue reading