Work and Love Can Go Together


Is this you?

Deep down, you know that you have something meaningful to share. Something that only you can give. And if you don’t, you will regret it.

That isn’t acceptable to you.

But, you also don’t know what to do about your inner knowing.

While money is not the most important thing for you, you want to feel financially secure. You want to be able to afford the things you desire and donate to the causes you care about.

You want to follow this quiet, inner voice. You want to feel aligned and alive. You want do do what you love.

You want to make it count.

But you might think that following your inner calling and loving the work you get to do is impossible. For instance, can you relate to any of these scenarios?

Your parents are thrilled!
You just got off the phone with your family. They are proud that you have become a government worker and happy that you are financially settled for life. But secretly, the idea of staying in your current job your whole life sounds totally depressing.

Woohoo, you have made it!
You are looking at your calendar and realize that you have more clients than you can handle. Which is great… once you figure out how to have a full client load and a life. You are so overwhelmed that you find it hard to remember why you started doing this work in the first place.

You are really competent and everyone knows it!
Which is a good thing… except you are not only doing your own work but also the work for many of your colleagues. You don’t mind helping people but you are entirely swamped–and it is distracting you from finally writing the book that you have been dreaming about.

It is midnight and you are still at work. Again. If you are honest with yourself, you had doubts about this all along. Now that you have a Big Law firm paycheck, it is even harder to walk away from this career path.

You are looking at your newest sales numbers and they don’t look good. Somehow, your employees don’t seem to care, not even the one you just gave a raise. You wonder how you can motivate them to do their best, and how you can feel better about your business again.

If any of those situations resonate with you, then you’re in the right place. Explore how my work can help you stop feeling miserable at work!

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    Sondra Kornblatt

    “Louise is a wise mastermind for how to work with passion and purpose.”

    Sondra Kornblatt, Author of “Restful Insomnia” and “Brain Fitness for Women”

    About me

    Hi, I’m Dr. Louise Schriewer, the Work You Love Coach. (I used to go by Bere/Berenike and in early 2024 decided to use my middle name Louise instead.)


    Once upon a time, I was a high-paid attorney working on multi-billion and million dollar cases, qualified for judicial office, about to complete my doctorate from the world’s oldest university institute in international law…

    … and realizing that my soul was feeling miserable (oof!).

    After a long internal struggle, I left my career and moved from my native Germany to the US to be with the love of my life. I also started a business that was in alignment with my passion and began coaching people in the area of work and productivity.

    Through my experiences, I have realized that regular work, productivity, and business advice has the potential to hurt my soul, as well as the souls of people receiving it. Thatʼs why I combine work (productivity) and love (spirituality) in my work.

    Here’s what I believe: we came here to have unique experiences that we can only have while being in a body. Your soul wants you to take full advantage of this precious lifetime and do what it came here to do.

    I want the same for you. When you eventually cross over to the other side, I want you to feel like this was a life well lived. And I want you to be proud of how you showed up.

    Is that something you want, too?

    Take a moment to feel into your heart.

    If you get a yes, letʼs get started, shall we?

    Join my email list to begin exploring the connection between love and work, or between being, and doing.

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      What joyful work can look like

      Debbie Siegelman

      “I worked with Louise for six months. About two years later, I can say that permanent changes have happened for me as a result of the work we did together. Today, I feel more secure and happier.

      Louise assisted me in valuing myself more and I got in touch with a lot more self-esteem.”

      Debbie, United States

      Attila Majer

      “I used to think that I could either focus my energy on my marriage or my business. Through our work, I’ve started to realize that both are possible and I’ve taken steps to improve both.

      Realizing that these are not mutually exclusive was a huge shift for me!”
      “I used to think that I could either focus my energy on my marriage or my business. Through our work, I’ve started to realize that both are possible and I’ve taken steps to improve both.

      Realizing that these are not mutually exclusive was a huge shift for me!”

      Attila, Hungary


      “My situation has changed radically in the year or so that Louise and I have been working together.

      Not only did I get pregnant for the first time, I also moved twice, developed a closer relationship to my partner and started my blog where I write about family life and happiness.”

      Anne, Germany

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      Brian Whetten

      “…I wholeheartedly recommend Louise’s book to help you start on a transformational journey of doing your deepest work in the world and growing into the person you were meant to be.”

      Brian Whetten, Ph.D., CEO of Core Coaching and Bestselling Author of “Yes Yes Hell No—The Little Book for Making Big Decisions”

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